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In today’s business environment it’s often instinctive to hold your cards close to your chest, keeping problems and challenges to yourself, for fear of being perceived as lacking. But realistically, we all have challenges...
Creativity / Innovation / Strategy
4 Jul, 2014
In today’s business environment it’s often instinctive to hold your cards close to your chest, keeping problems and challenges to yourself, for fear of being perceived as lacking. But realistically, we all have challenges...
12 Jun, 2014
Recent studies have suggested that dark chocolate contains many benefits for your health. Drinking two cups of hot chocolate a day may help older people keep their brains healthy and their thinking skills sharp,...
13 May, 2014
Jump start you into a new direction There are times where we are content in our lives, work & relationships. For those that wake up with the dread of work in the morning,...
Business / Innovation / Strategy
12 May, 2014
This is one of my favourite TED talks, recorded in 2009. Simon Sinek, Start with Why. “People don’t buy What you do, they buy Why you do it” The theme is to help you...
2 May, 2014
Innovation, it’s a finger pointing to the moon, You don’t concentrate on the finger, or you will miss everything happening in the heavens. Simple distinction between an idea and an invention.: I...
1 May, 2014
Discussions about innovation are often made difficult because people are unclear about the exact meanings of some key terms. In particular there is confusion about the difference between creativity, innovation and invention. Let us...
25 Apr, 2014
Marketing Strategy Developing and implementing a marketing strategy is a necessary process for a successful business. This process commences as you start your business, and it must remain an on-going process throughout the life...
16 Apr, 2014
We attended an dual event for a programme on helping regional SME’s in Ireland to innovate, develop and grow their business The initial meeting was with the other tutors / consultants of the...
Brian Andrews & Grainne Cleare, The Business Planners
The Ballymun Business Academy (BBA) provides training to entrepreneurs to enable them to stress test their strategic vision and reassess the company’s strategic direction. Brian and Grainne were contracted by the Ballymun Whitehall Area Partnership in November 2012 to deliver a training module within BBA. In many entrepreneurship courses the focus is predominately on administering tools to aid entrepreneurs, however, Brian and Grianne’s … Read more
Both Brian and Grainne have been working with eight Famers Markets in County Meath since January 2012, and have provided a focused analysis of the “state of the art” in terms of the markets current situation, potential for development and clear pathways for investment both in terms of capital and skills enhancement requirements.
As dedicated partitioners in the field.. they bring first hand knowledge and a pragmatic approach to this project taliered to their clients needs. It is apparent that th… Read more
I cannot praise Brian enough, he is a brilliant technical resource with excellent customer handling skills and a real pleasure to work with.
Mark Duffy, Service Delivery Manager, Ireland,
Brian joined us at Snap as part of his DCU Business Innovation Program. Our project at Snap was to introduce 6 new commercial products to Snap, over 6 months. Brian acted as Project Manager for the exercise. Working with Group Office, he completed the commercial negotiations and planned the rollout of the new products. A clear, precise and practically implementable method for rolloing out the products was developed by Brian and Grainne from DCU, with Snap’s group office team. The methodology inc… Read more
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