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Creativity Mentors & Workshop Facilitators

Brian Andrews & Grainne Cleare, The Business Planners

The Ballymun Business Academy (BBA) provides training to entrepreneurs to enable them to stress test their strategic vision and reassess the company’s strategic direction. Brian and Grainne were contracted by the Ballymun Whitehall Area Partnership in November 2012 to deliver a training module within BBA. In many entrepreneurship courses the focus is predominately on administering tools to aid entrepreneurs, however, Brian and Grianne’s module focused on creativity, aiding individuals on a journey of discovery, invention and innovation.    Knowing how to incorporate innovation in work and teams is crucial in order to create thriving workplaces.  Brian and Grianne’s module specifically looked at incorporating innovation skills into the young companies embarking upon the course,  presenting various approaches to innovation; open innovation, design thinking – Verganti and D-school and radical Vs. incremental  innovation. This module was extremely inspiring for participating entrepreneurs and was well received due to the module delivery and the dynamic way of thinking instigated by the trainers.  The Ballymun Whitehall Area Partnership would incorporate Brian and Grianne’s creative training practices into future entrepreneurial programmes and in programmes to facilitate long term unemployed people to access labour market opportunities within their communities.


Fiona Louise Descoteaux

Acting Chief Executive Officer

Ballymun Whitehall Area Partnership

May 23, 2013

Creativity Mentors & Workshop FacilitatorsActing Chief Executive OfficerBallymun Whitehall Area Partnership

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